Friday, September 20, 2013

Rolling in the Deep

Whew! This week has been a lot. It has been about 4 weeks into class and now things are getting serious. I am in the Reading, Writing, and Literacy Masters Program. All I do is read and read and read some more but I do love it. The first week or so things seemed slow but now its getting deep. In other words things just got real lol. Reading 5 articles for each class on top of the course work books and papers has been my life this past week. My MacBook has become my new best friend along with BulkPacks. I enjoy reading an am really learning a lot but things are starting to get a bit more difficult. It is time to really start balancing things. Here are some things I do to balance and not go insane.

  1. Set time out to read and do assignments. I know this sounds obvious but as soon as I get a new reading I set time out and put in on my schedule to read just those articles for that specific class.
  2. Work at YOUR primetime. I know that after 1:00 am anything new I try to read does not stick in my brain. I also know that I can write a paper until the wee hours of the night. Basically know yourself and how you operate. This helps so much in scheduling your time.
  3. Find a comfortable place that suits you. For me sitting on my bed or on a floor with some music in the background and snacks is the best way for me to do work. It took me a long time to find my "study space'. I was always told in order to do work it was important to be in a quiet space and at a desk. That NEVER worked for me. I was uncomfortable and it was too quiet. 
  4. In the end just take it day by day. That is what I am doing. If I think of everything I have to do I start to get overwhelmed and stressed. One step at a time and things will work out.
Until next time..... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey there -- great post. I love the tips about "finding your prime time" and finding the place that's most comfortable to you. Good luck with all your reading. -Mel (
